Friday, March 25, 2011

SWAT: Target Liberty (PSP)

It's fair, but something is missing...

This game is fair but I get the feeling that something isn't there when I play it. SWAT: Target Liberty is just a simple version to its older brothers SWAT 4 and SWAT 3. In this game, as in the games previous to this one in the series, you are a SWAT leader over a team of SWAT officers. But this time you only have the command over two officers, I think that it is too few. It really damages the feeling of commanding a SWAT team.

Other than that, the game is mediocre in all other aspects, fair at best. It doesn't stand out that much other than being a portable version, lighten and shorter. The game really makes me wish that I where playing SWAT 4 or SWAT 3 instead. But if you want to play a SWAT game on the bus or the train, then this will do just fine. On my scale it gets 5,5 out of 10. This is because this game isn't bad, it is just mediocre.

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